This website, and all images contained therein, copyright 2023 Dale Taylor. All rights reserved.

Real Estate



The dining room of the 1854 plantation house “Newstead” in Gloucester County, Virginia photographed for sell sheets and an ad in DuPont Registry. Shot on chromes, no post processing.

Newstead Library

The Library of the 1854 “Newstead” plantation on the Middle Peninsula of Virginia. The dragonfly lamp on the table is an original Tiffany. Photographed for the same uses as the dining room, above. Another shot on chromes, no post.

Auburn entry

The entry hall of the historic 19th century “Auburn” plantation house, photographed for sell sheets and an ad in The DuPont Registry. Auburn is the farm the Lennons bought shortly before John was killed, although this is a subsequent owner. And a third chrome shot, no post.